It is very important to take care of your nails as they can say a lot about your health. It may not seem like they can but it’s true. A close inspection of your nails can reveal a lot about your physical health. Nail care can be taken easily by going to a nail salon in Pascoe Vale and by following a few home remedies. In this blog, we will explore 15 things your nails say about your health. Keep on reading to find out more about what your nails say about your health.
First of all, let us learn about the characteristics of healthy nails.
What are the signs of healthy nails?
· They are mauve or pink in colour
· They don’t have ridges
· They are not brittle
· The nail fold is healthy
· They don’t have any dark lines
· There is no fungus
All of the above are signs of healthy nails. This is what they should look like.
Now, let us explore what your nails can say about your health
15 things that your nails say about your health are as follows:
Skin infection
If your nail folds look red and puffy, you may have a skin infection. Inflammation of nail folds generally signifies a skin infection from yeast, viruses or bacteria. It can affect both toenails and fingernails. This condition is known as Paronychia and it is mostly caused by bacteria. It can be categorized into two types – chronic Paronychia and acute Paronychia.
If your nails turn pale, you should take notice of it. It could indicate malnutrition, liver disease and congestive heart failure. If you are over 60, you should pay special attention to your nails as malnutrition, liver disease and heart failure are all common in older individuals.
Heart problems
If your nails look blue, then you might want to visit your doctor. It can indicate problems with the heart, bacterial infections, lung issues and Wilson’s disease. The latter is a rare disorder that causes copper to collect in your vital organs.
Eczema can be of many types. One of the many types is Pompholyx eczema which can be recognized by water blisters that affect the soles of the feet, the palms and the sides of the fingers. In some cases, it could also cause swelling of the skin around the nails and the nail folds.
Raynaud’s phenomenon
If you notice indentations on your nails, you could have Raynaud’s phenomenon. It is a condition in which blood supply becomes limited due to cold or stress. The indentations on the nails are known as Beau’s lines. If you notice such lines on your nails, consult with your doctor immediately. Raynaud’s cannot be cured but some medicines can restore blood flow.
Athlete’s foot
Athlete’s foot can be categorized into fungal toenail infections and foot fungus. The former often gets picked up while walking barefoot in areas such as locker rooms. It is characterized by yellow and ragged toenails. Fungal infections can cause conditions like foot ulcers and cellulitis in people with immunodeficiencies. They can also cause the skin to break down.
Thyroid problems
Brittle and dry nails are not nice to look at. However, it’s not wise to ignore them. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, brittle and dry nails could indicate problems with the thyroid gland. So, be sure to rule out this health issue as soon as you notice brittle and dry nails. They will also have visible ridges on them.
Lung problems
If you think there is something not quite right with your lungs, you can use your nails to figure it out. According to a research paper in American Family Physician, clubbed nails could indicate problems with the lungs. It is a condition in which the nails curve downward and their tips enlarge. It could suggest pulmonary disease.
Inflammatory bowel disease
Along with indicating lung issues, clubbed nails could also indicate inflammatory bowel disease. As per the same research paper, inflammatory bowel disease can also cause clubbed nails. So if you notice this condition, be sure to get your lung and bowels checked.
Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes rashes. Your fingernails can sometimes tell you whether or not you have it. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, a few people suffering from psoriasis can develop it on their nails as well. This condition causes discolouration of the nails and tiny dents. If not treated on time it can affect the ability to walk or to use the hands. So, never ignore this symptom if you notice it.
Diabetes can cause a lot of nail problems over time. According to a research paper in Dermatologic Therapy, diabetes can cause thickened and yellow nails. It can also cause nails to become brittle, ridged and fragile. Additionally, reddening of the skin around the nails, also known as periungual erythema could indicate that you have diabetes.
Liver disease
Several liver diseases like hepatitis B and C and liver cirrhosis are known to cause fingernail issues. According to a 2010 study by the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 68 out of 100 people with liver problems developed nail changes. Nail fungus was the most common issue, followed by brittleness and horizontal ridges.
Anaemia causes people to lose healthy red blood cells. This is why their tissues and organs don’t receive enough oxygen. One of the symptoms of this disease is extremely pale nails. Another symptom is extreme fatigue. So if you notice these two symptoms together, be sure to get yourself checked out.
Pale nails could also indicate liver disease or early diabetes. When diagnosed early, both of them can be treated and controlled. You may want to try and avoid refined carbohydrates and sugars. As for liver disease, a trip to the doctor is a must for an accurate diagnosis
Kidney problems
If your nails appear to be half red, pink or brown, you could be having kidney issues. According to a 2009 study done by the Canadian Medical Journal Association, half-red, pink or brown nails are a specific finding in chronic kidney conditions. As per the study, 20 to 60% of the nails appear to be brown, pink or red and the rest of it has a whitish and dull appearance.
Nail trauma
If you notice stripes or ridges in the middle of your nails, you may have nail trauma. Also referred to as habit-tic nail trauma, this happens when people pick at their cuticles. They cause damage to the cells and the nail plate fails to grow smoothly. Habit-tic nail trauma could indicate a lot of stress levels and anxiety.
Almost all types of nail trauma can be fully cured. However, severe trauma can cause a nail to become deformed. This is more likely to happen when the nail base gets injured. The most common complications of nail trauma are split nails and hook nails. A hook nail happens when it curves around your finger because it’s not getting enough support from the bones. Both split nails and hook nails can be treated successfully.
Onycholysis is a painless condition and usually happens to people with long nails. The most common causes are too much filing and nail trauma. It can be also caused by a fungal infection and psoriasis according to the American Academy of Dermatology. It causes the nail to separate from the nail bed. If this happens, it is best to consult a doctor and get some blood tests done.
Nails tend to be a sign of your health. If your nails have problems like Onycholysis, it could be an indication that something is going on with your body. Sometimes Onycholysis can indicate thyroid disease or a yeast infection. It could also mean that you are not getting enough iron.
It is important to keep your nails healthy at all times. Following are a few tips for nail care.
A few tips to take care of nails are as follows:
· Keep your nails dry and clean
· Cut nails with sharp clippers
· Shape your nails with a nail filer
· Do not bite your fingernails
· If toenails become too thick to cut, soak them in warm water mixed with salt
· Trim your toenails regularly. This will reduce the risk of injury and trauma
· Do not use your nails for opening cans
· Avoid handling ingrown toenails by yourself. Visit a dermatologist for its treatment
· Always wear flip-flops at public showers and swimming pools
· Wear well-fitting shoes.
· Go for manicure and pedicure sessions
So, this was all about nail health and what they say about your health. Manicures and pedicures can play a vital role in keeping them healthy. It is important to find experienced and licensed professionals for availing of these services.
Please get in touch with EYE LASHES EXTENSION NAIL AND BEAUTY BY GEMERLI for the best pedicures and manicures. They are also the ones to go for if you have been searching for Eyelash extensions near me in Pascoe Vale.